Today is a very happy day! Two packages came in the mail, both from Japan. I just took them from the front desk without telling our admin so she freaked out. I just got an urgent page and the first thing she said to me was "Please tell me you got the packages!!" LOL I guess I should have told her I took them already. hehe Anyway, I took some pictures using our freaking old work camera. The camera that still uses floppy disks!!! Oh, and after you take 4 pictures, the disk is full so you have to download the files. Yes, that old! Some of you may not even remember that there is such a thing. But I digress...
The Arashi Time mug I've been wanting to get! Soo cute! I tried taking pictures of the inside but I couldn't get a decent picture. It says Arashi on the bottom of the inside of the mug. I mean to use it but it might get stained. Hmmm...
The Time phone strap that I've also been dying to have! I heard this is very fragile so I don't know where I'm going to hang it now. My purse maybe?
Arashi FC journals no. 33, 35, and 36. Very nice pictures inside. I will scan and post later.
Arashi FC journals no. 37, 38 and 39. I will also scan and post later.
Hmmm...I wonder what tomorrow will bring??
LUCKY!!! xD I want those fan journals.. *drools*.. I really am into photo stuff. I should've been a photojournalist now.... get to interview people, take pictures... gar!
Well, I should start packing for my trip tomorrow. Too bad Mao and Jun will not be in Reno or Tahoe. *sighs* I didn't scan in the AAA in Dome photobook. So, nothing bent. ;) I still need to scan in everything else though.
Posted by: Kytana | 05/28/2008 at 09:48 AM
You going to Kino later? Do you think H is already out? You're gone the whole weekend right? Coz my friend's daughter wants to see my Arashi stuff. Can I get the photobooks so I can show her while you're gone? You can borrow them again later.
And what are you doing online??? I was going to text you later.
Posted by: Pnay | 05/28/2008 at 10:18 AM
I don't know. I have to go in that area to buy stuff for the trip anyways. It's on my way home. Well, what I can do really quick is meet you at Kino and you follow me to my place. My room is very messy. xD I can get the scanning in since they're small.
I'm using my laptop. XD I know.. it's bad.
Posted by: Kytana | 05/28/2008 at 10:37 AM
I can scan them for you, if you want. I'll be scanning the journals anyway. I'll be scanning them at work. High res, really quick too. Let me know. You think I can still order the old Cinema Square at Kino? Someone is selling me a copy. I'll be there same time.
Posted by: Pnay | 05/28/2008 at 10:57 AM
Which Cinema Square? Is it the one w/ the hat? *giggles* My fave photo shoot.
Well, you would have to follow me. I need to make list of what I need to get now. I'll do it during lunch. xD
Posted by: Kytana | 05/28/2008 at 11:06 AM
Yes, that Cinema Square! I love that one!
So, you'll scan during lunch or go shopping?
Posted by: Pnay | 05/28/2008 at 11:11 AM